Sunday, July 12, 2009


I was six years old when Thriller marked a vivid lasting impression on my life. My father arrived home from work, happy and smiling as he unmasked an album from his arms displaying the face of the King of Pop. Thriller had been released and he was clearly proud to be bringing home this much anticipated album to share with his children. We were familiar with the Jackson Five and the previous hits released by Michael as a solo artist, but Thriller was like nothing we had heard before. My father pulled the record from its pristine envelope and the black disc was shinny in the overhead light of our shag carpeted family room. He placed the album on the record player and placed the needle on the first track. Thriller began. A howl screamed through the air as the song began and I ran for the closet. Nestling into the cedar closet close to our family room I was careful to position myself so I felt safe and secure from the howling animal and spooky feeling Thriller evoked, but so that I could hear every word of the music--wanting to remain a part of this experience. My heart pounded in time with the music and I was scared and excited all at once. When I hear Thriller today as an adult I am reminded of this little girl who hid in the closet to protect herself from what scared her, but who remained present in the moment, not allowing herself to be paralyzed by the fear. This is a skill that propelled itself forward into adulthood - I no longer run into a closet, but find a safe place inside when facing an uncomfortable situation. Going to my "metaphorical closet" when I am anxious before speaking to a group or having a difficult conversation with a friend or loved one--comforting the little girl who wants to run to the closet while staying present in the moment and not allowing the fear to paralyze me. Thriller speaks to the paralyzing fear we feel in situations when we find ourselves trapped with no where to run. Ironically for me, that six year old hiding in the closet learned how to combat fear by making herself safe, reacting to her instincts, and coming out to celebrate when the situation was over.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Michael Jackson's Sountrack of Our Lives

In the wake of the tragedy of Michael Jackson's passing, I am struck by the affect his legacy has had around the globe. The King of Pop's legend has spanned decades, bringing us a never ending stream of memories and nostalgic moments at the mention of his song titles. The commentary around MJ being the soundtrack to so many of our lives rings true for me. What better way to reach out to one another in tribute to the King of Pop then by sharing stories of memories we associate with his music. So I ask you, how has Michael Jackson's music been the soundtrack to your life? First date? Prom? A moment with your children or family? Share your story across the globe to hear how his music has made lasting memories for all of us.

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